
UNITED STATES—In what has shocked the NBA and the recording industry, a bad-boy NBA player is not planning to release an album.  The NBA player, who refuses to be named for fear of diminished reputation, admitted following a heavy drinking session that his preference in music was actually far more sophisticated than his fellow bad-boy players.

"Comparing the music I like with the music they like is like comparing Michael Jordan with Jason Collins," the player told our source. "One is an all-time classic, whereas the other hardly even qualifies as a contemporary flash in the pan."

When asked about his favourite music, the player paused a moment for consideration. "The works of Bach are the hallmark of baroque polyphony, while the masterpieces of Mozart and Beethoven are the quintessential developments of classical style," the player commented. "However, my preference would be with the romantic era style of Chopin or Rachmaninov. Rachmaninov’s Piano Concerto number 2 in C-Minor opus number 18 would have to be his magnum opus. Now that is dope, yo!"

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